How students can improve their test scores by organizing their time more effectively
Professor Gomez was thinking about how her students can improve their test scores by organizing their time more effectively, but she wants to test a couple different methods of organization to see which is better: using a calendar or keeping a to-do list.
She also wants to know whether the effectiveness of these methods will depend on whether the students also have a job.
In her study, Professor Gomez randomly assigns half of her students to use a calendar until the first exam and the other half to use a to-do list.
Of course, this means about half of her students with jobs are in each group and about half without jobs are in both groups too. Then, all students complete Exam 1, which Professor Gomez uses as her dependent variable.
To analyze her data, Professor Gomez runs a 2 (Organization Tool: Calendar, To-do List) x 2 (Job Status: No Job, Job) independent measures factorial ANOVA.
Use two simple effects to describe a possible pattern of results that would indicate an interaction between Organization Tool and Job Status (1 point for each simple effect, 3 points if you correctly describe an interaction).
Don’t worry about whether your answer reflects reality, as long as it represents an interaction. Make sure to use complete comparisons in your simple effects.
Simple Effect 1:
Simple Effect 2: