Anthropological sources found in the learning modules
Introduction to Anthropology [a . ‘ Using the module resources, answer, " What is anthropology?" Incorporate the following terms in your posts: enculturation, cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, and participant observation. *Incorporate; Perspectives & " Circle K Rules" (a playful essay on cultural differences between Japanese and Brazilian culture) *Use the Explorations section to make your posts interesting and academic. Some important guidelines to follow In your posting(s) include: – Post at least twice – Add to the discussion (Do not repeat what others have said) – Make your statements and then support them with academic sources from this course (do not write "I believe" or "I think") – Use references to let the reader know exactly where your information comes from – Use anthropological sources found in the learning modules. Avoid Wikipedia and random Internet sites – Show me that you did the course reading and explored posted related materials (videos, websites, Ted Ta etc.). Attached here, please find the guidelines and rubric for grading:
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