Aspects of PREP and CARE
Danielle and Sanj are attending a premarital workshop. This is a new workshop that incorporates aspects of PREP and CARE. The following dialogue is a transcript of a practice session. Sometimes Danielle and Sanj are using the skills well, and at other times they are slipping back into old patterns of miscommunication. For each sentence, identify the CARE or PREP technique that is being used, or if they are not using a PREP or CARE skill, what is the mistake that they are making? (HINT: These mistakes may have been discussed as one of the four danger signs in the prevention lecture or as negative communication skills (or four horsemen) in the communication lecture). (HINT: “speaker/listener technique” and “CARE” or “PREP” aren’t correct answers for any of the items below!)
A. Danielle: I was really upset and sad when you booked a weekend in Vegas at the same time we were supposed to be celebrating an early Christmas holiday with my parents.
B. Sanj: I didn’t do it deliberately, I really thought that party with your family was the weekend after. This is totally not my fault and I can’t believe you are making this my problem
C. Danielle: It sounds like you don’t see this as your fault and you genuinely forgot.
D. At this point, the coach intervenes and suggests that Sanj might try amplification. Give an example of what Sanj might say that would be an amplification.