Biobehavioral Environmental Approach on Disability

Read this article: ” Effect of a Biobehavioral Environmental Approach on Disability Among Low-Income Older Adults”


Briefly  respond to the following question after reading  to the above article 

  1. What was the study purpose, objective, or aim?
  2. What was the study design? (By study design, I mean randomized controlled trial, quasi-experimental, longitudinal cohort, case-control, cross-sectional, etc.)
  3. Who were the study participants? Briefly describe them. (This is who was recruited into the study – that is, the sample that the researchers obtained to represent the P in their PIO/PICO question. Remember, for those of you reading the article by Zenk and colleagues, the “participants” in this study were food stores, not people, so briefly describe the food stores that they sampled here.)
  4. How did the researchers obtain participants? Briefly describe. (This is how participants were sampled/recruited into the study.)
  5. How many participants did the study obtain? (This is the sample size.)
  6. What measures did the study use? Briefly describe. (These are the tools that the researches used to collect data.)