Blood transfusions as a treatment for the low hemoglobin level
Mrs. Lyons was a 27-year-old woman who recently gave birth prematurely to a set of twins. The infants were doing well but Ms. Lyons hemorrhaged and required emergency surgery resulting in a hysterectomy. Severe loss of blood dropped her hemoglobin to 6.0. Because the patient and her husband were Jehovah’s witnesses, they refused blood transfusions as a treatment for the low hemoglobin level. Chris Moore was the nurse caring for Mrs. Lyons after her surgery. Although he did not personally believe that patients should refuse blood transfusions, especially new mothers with dependent infants, he supported the rights of others to decide their health care in accordance with their religious beliefs. Shortly after admission to Mr. Moore’s unit, Mrs. Lyon’s hemoglobin began to drop. It was suspected that the patient was hemorrhaging from an unknown site in her body. Vasoactive drug therapy was begun to help maintain adequate perfusion of her body tissues and her cardiac output was constantly monitored. I need the concept map with this case.