Care in nursing homes

Focus on the questions of what the authors predict with respect to (a) future costs of institutional long-term care (care in nursing homes) and community-based long-term care (home care), (b) the number of older adults requiring ongoing care in the future and the number of family caregivers available to provide this care, (c) the amount of money that would be required if all future informal care hours (family care) would needed to be paid for publicly (i.e., if not family caregivers provided that care but healthcare workers). Also discuss what the authors’ conclusions and recommendations are for individuals and future policies

Criteria to writing the summary 

Determine the extent of information needed to

Effectively identifies all relevant information. Effectively determines key concepts. Types of information extracted directly and clearly relate to the topic of the planned group activity.

Summarize, organize and synthesize information

Summarizes, organizes, and synthesizes information from sources to fully achieve a specific purpose with clarity and depth

Consider the context of and purpose of the summary

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned summary and frames all elements of the summary accordingly

Uses language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency and is virtually error-free