Proper Case Citation
Proper Case Citation: United State Supreme Court Cases Reference: The Bluebook: A tJniform System of Citotion,20th Edition
Susan Maruca, JD, MA, Director Paralegal Program, Eastern Gateway Community College
Rule 10: CASES
Citation of a United States Supreme Court case:
Gase Name:
Board of Education of Independent School District #92 of Pottawatomie County v. Earls
Nexis Uni Bluebook Citation tixport:
@d. of Educ. v. Ear$_5.!Q_U.,9. 922-122_s_-cl-255s,1!3 _L.EL?q rqq,a0!L US. LEXIS 4!ga 10_– U,S.L.W. 4737,2002 Cal DailyOp. Service 5761,2002 DailyJournal DAR7275,15 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. S 483 (Supreme Court of the United States June 27 , 2002, Decided ), available at ht tp s : //adv a nce Jexr’s- 00000-00&context= 1 51 6831
Commented ISM1l: Rule 10,2.1: “Use the case nan]e that appears at the beBinning of the opinion in the cited reporter.” Although Earls is not the only party in this matter (there are two students u,ho initiated the action): “Omit all oarties otherthan thefirst listed on each side Do notomit the first listed relator or any portion ofa partnership name ”
Prooer Bluebook Citation:
lao. ot roud. [,.] learElEs_Al]q.S$Z[bz6] kzooztl
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commented [sMz]: First Party
Commented [SM3]: Verrsus = the abbrevi:rtion v (lower case v followed by a period)
Commented [SM4]: second Party
Commented [SM5]: The reporter is the nanre of the official book that contains the case. Here 536 is the volume number of this official collection of books hokling the Board of Education v, Earls case issued by the U.5, Supreme Court in 2002. Therefore, as of the time of the publiEtion of this case, there were 536 volumes of reporters in this collection
Commented [SM5]: This is the name of the reporler referenced Ebove containing 536 volumes of cases issued by
the U.S. Supreme Court -lhe full name ofthis reporter is
U.5. Reports but in the Bluebook citation we only use the abbreviation U.s
Commented [SM7]: First page ofthe case in the reporter.
Commented [SM8]: This is the specific page thatyou are referring to when you reference information in a case. Using
the first page ofthe case is notsufficient in the practice of law. You must be precise in terms of where you found the
Commented [SM9]: Date of decision Usually, therre would be a designation of which court heard i;he ca:ie in
Darenthesis but because it is clear from the name ol the
reoorterthat it is the U.5, Supreme Court, th€n that information is not included with the date of the decision
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