Case study allocated to the class
There will be a case study allocated to the class. The student will be assessed based on your case study analysis, application of theories, and critical concepts used in answering the questions assigned. Students are encouraged to discuss the cases with other students in the class. However, individual written assignments must be completed individually. Students handing in identical or nearly identical answers will be considered violating Academic Malpractice.
SST HELENA: LANDING A FUTURE FOR A SOUTH ATLANTIC ISLAND St. Helena situated so remote from any continent, in the midst of a great ocean . . . —this little world, within itself, —excites our curiosity. Charles Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle, 1831-1836
1. Abstract
2. The problem
3. Review of Literature
4. Design and procedures:
5. Data Analysis and Presentations:
6. Conclusions and Implications
7. Overall assessments
please help