Center policies
Task 4: Planning Learning Experiences * This task is co-assessed with CHCECE036 Purpose of Assessment This assessment assists you in using center policies to design, set up, present, and reflect on planned learning experiences. You will be planning experiences for both indoor, outdoor, and a play area which goes over multiple days giving you an opportunity to modify the area to meet the learning needs and interests of children. What Do I Need to Do? Read the policies of your service in relation to group time and/or planning learning experiences, safety, and any others which are relevant. Please plan, set up, and implement the following for the age groups as shown: 1. Babies 0-23 months a. b. 1 indoor experience (for one individual baby) {use templates) 1 outdoor experience (use templates) 2. Preschool children a) 2 indoor experiences (use templates) b) 2 outdoor experiences {use templates) c) 1 play area that is run over multiple days (using Play area templates – Part 1 and 2) Your planned experiences’ overall need to include all of the following points: Experiences should be sustainable where possible incorporating real, natural, and recycled materials. One experience that supports creativity One experience promotes physical skills (gross and fine motor) Technology and resources that facilitate children’s exploration, concept development, and problem-solving Set up environments that also cater for solitude Experiences that are culturally safe and support belonging Collaboration with other educators to improve experiences. At least two discussions must be with your supervisor and documented in your reflections Experiences and evaluations that cater to at least two children’s holistic development (including communication, physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development). You are required to perform the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 160 hours of work in a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia