Characteristics of global citizenship
This assignment focuses you to think about identity and ideology as they relate to you, your assigned group and global citizenship. Reflective Assignment 1 is completed individually and Reflective Assignment 2 will require you to work collaboratively with your assigned group.
Overall, this assignment encourages you to work together to identify a compelling topic to study for the final course project. Read the assignment instructions for Reflective Assignment 1 below. Instructions for Reflective Assignment 1 — Individual (15%): Write a reflection (approximately 200 words in total) on your identity, using the given template. Answer the following questions:
How has your sense of who you are been shaped by your environment (social institutions) and various ideological beliefs? Remember, ideological beliefs can include both the ways that you see and understand the world and the dominant narratives about the world that still influence you whether you agree or not. Finally, consider the next set of questions in your answer:
How is your identity connected to characteristics of global citizenship? Is your identity dependent on others? Is it connected to other people, groups, and cultures, close and abroad? How so? Your answers to these questions need to draw on concepts and ideas from modules 1—6 from the OER textbook. Use the given template (in .doc form) to complete your assignment. Download the template from here. Your submission in total should be around 200 words.