Research topic is follow in context of early childhood setting

Research topic is follow in context of early childhood setting think as a early childhood educator 

Impact of play based approach on social development of children with Autism(ASD).

provide a rationale as to why it is worthwhile to research this topic


Research question

1 What kind of play based strategies and  activities may can impact on social development of children with autism?

2 What are the challenges face by the early childhood teacher in conducting play based activities with the children with autism


Describe the participants and how each group will contribute to data that will answer the research question(s).

Literature Review – Discuss several references (journal articles, textbooks, framework documents, etc, and how each one

  1. Provides background to research


  1. How the previous related research topic guides to impact of play based approach on social development of children with autism


outline in detail how data will be collected and from who. Explain how this data can help you answer the research question(s).


Methodology  qualitative method – outline in detail how data will be collected and from who. Explain how this data can help you answer the research question(s).