Ethical egoism/libertarian ethics
Topic (What ethical topic or question will you address in your paper?)
Thesis (What will be your argument/position on this topic? Offer at least a couple of sentences).
Moral Warrant (What ethics will you use to explain why something is the right or wrong thing to do. This is where you will explain how utilitarian ethics, deontology, virtue ethics, ethical egoism/libertarian ethics or contract ethics supports your argument).
Support (What evidence will you use to support your argument? Give specific details of the sources and how you will use it to support you paper).
Provide a comment to one of your classmate’s outlines. Explain what appears clear and specific, how the ethics they are using makes sense (or not) in their argument, and what could use more detail, definition, specifics, or development. You can also comment on the sources they plan to use and how it looks credible, or if it is unclear or misplaced in the argument. Please be honest in your assessment, as this is the way that you will most help out your classmate. If there are issues with their outlines or with their sources and you don’t say something about it, you are not helping your classmate to do well on the essay.