The division of power between the Federal Government and state governments
This is to say that Federalism, as a concept in the United States, is the division of power between the Federal Government and state governments. This can include issues such as (but not limited to): Abortion, gun rights, health care, environmental issues, same-sex marriage, education, infrastructure, legalization of marijuana, minimum wage, immigration.
Locate a Current Event that exhibits an example of either ‘Dual Federalism’ or ‘Cooperative Federalism’ between Texas and the Federal Government pertaining to any one of these issues and describe both, your article and your explanation of how federalism is being displayed on your issue. This could also include an issue that pertains to checks and balances as well, but remember, it must pertain to an issue that is in conflict between the federal government and state government. I have attached a short video that may help better understand the concept of “Federalism.”
The current event can be within the last 4 years, and must be from a reputable news source. The following are some examples: New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News, Fox News, CNN, ABC News, CBS News, Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Politico, The Daily Beast, Vox, The Monitor, San Antonio Express News, Houston Chronicle, Christian Science Monitor.
Since this must be an issue dealing with Texas Government only (not Federal), the most useful news sources for this assignment would be: Texas Tribune, Texas Observer, or Texas Monthly