In what ways do Ganor’s and Nacos’s definitions of terrorism differ

In what ways do Ganor’s and Nacos’s definitions of terrorism differ? Whose definition allows for more subjectivity?

Alex Schmidt
“Increasingly, questions are being raised about the problem of the definition
of a terrorist. Let us be wise and focused about this: terrorism is terrorism..
. What looks, smells and kills like terrorism is terrorism.” – Sir Jeremy Greenstock, British Ambassador to the United Nations, in post
September 11, 2001 speech’

“It is not enough to declare war on what one deems terrorism without
giving a precise and exact definition.”
– President Emile Lahoud, Lebanon (2004)2

“An objective definition of terrorism is not only possible;
it is also indispensable to any serious attempt to combat terrorism.”

– Boaz Ganor, Director of the International Policy Institute for CounterTerrorism3
* Presented at the War Crimes Research Symposium: “Terrorism on Trial” at C