Generational and cultural differences and managing a diverse workforce
You will reflect upon their own experiences, as well as theories and concepts, associated with generational and cultural differences and managing a diverse workforce in the hospitality industry.
Reflect on what kind of manager you will be:
What are your professional diversity management strengths and weaknesses?
o How will you acknowledge cultural diversity in your workplace?
o What strategies will you use and why do you consider them to be the most effective?
o How will your diversity management strategy benefit your company and gain a competitive advantage in the hospitality industry?
Have in mind the Learning Outcomes that you must achieve with this coursework:
1) Design effective, efficient and sustainable processes, which factor in the needs, wants, preferences, and expectations, that characterize relevant stakeholders of the business ecosystem, through collaborative consensus building,
2) Identify appropriate leadership strategies based on critical evaluation of emerging leadership models, across cultures and generational cohorts. Critically analyze and apply theories and research that have been carried out on recommended strategies and policies for managing a diverse workforce in the hospitality industry.
3) Monage a decision-making process by incorporating unbiased and fair consensus building.