Locate the relevant section of the Georgia Code of Ethics that applies to the Case Incident you have chosen.
Locate the relevant section of the Georgia Code of Ethics that applies to the Case Incident you have chosen. Explain the suspected violation and list the specific section/code that is relevant to the case (cut/paste the wording of the section). Use the code you have chosen as the framework for evaluating the situation.
Describe the situation in the case incident you have chosen (approximately one paragraph)
Using the Code of Ethics for Georgia Educators, determine if an ethical violation(s) have been committed in the case incident that you have selected. Explain your determination using the resources given in this document. (Approximately two paragraphs).
Case 1: Mr. Archer, a science teacher and Mr. Harper, a social studies teacher have known each other personally and professionally for many years. After an unfortunate personal dispute leads to dissolution of their friendship, Mr. Harper complains to the Georgia Professional Practice Commission that Mr. Archer is telling other professionals that Mr. Harper is a neo-Nazi.