Federal and provincial governments of Canada

Canada’s history is full of actions, abuses, and laws that were considered normal at the time they happened. Once they were questioned and voice was raised against them, various federal and provincial governments of Canada as well as religious institutions have, over the past few decades, apologized from the impacted people.

Many such apologies have been accompanied by financial compensation.

In your opinion, does such financial compensation serve any purpose? Is it a burden on the current tax-payer while repairing the image of the current government in power?

Respond to the above prompt in a short argumentative essay – there is no maximum limit) basing on any one apology that the Canadian government offered to a group of people in the recent past. (We discussed some examples in class – Apologies to Chinese Head Tax payers, those who suffered Japanese Internment, Residential School survivors among many others)

Ensure that your essay is complete with at least three arguments supporting your stance and each argument (in its own paragraph) has proper topic sentence, evidence and analysis of the evidence.
You must write a suitable introduction and a conclusion. Kindly do not add random stuff in your essay.

Your essay will be graded on format, content, and presentation of the argument. The rubric will be posted on this link shortly.

Upload your completed essay on this link in an MS Word File by the due date and time. Any assignment posted in .pages would be unreadable to me, and hence may not be graded.