Here’s all the information I need more guidance on video below

Here’s all the information I need more guidance on video below or make sure I’m on the right track after watching video. The seemed to be included to all and I need help on  the following questions especially #2. 

  1. Who do you think is the intended audience of this piece of advice or the target of the expectations? What experiences of parenthood or being a caregiver are included and excluded?
  2. Think of this in terms of intersectionality. You need to either identify at least one group of individuals’ whose experience isn’t reflected in this piece of media or indicate why this advice/expectations apply to all members in the intended audience.
  3. Is the advice/expectations consistent with what we have learned
  4. What additional insight into this piece of advice or these expectations did you gain from the Discussion Reading(s) you completed. Provide at least one insight with commentary.


Video #2

For question one the video relates to parents giving advice on responsible parenting even while dealing with work social life and rasing a child