Identifying training needs and developing a training program
This assignment is meant to introduce you to this process, and give you experience in identifying training needs and developing a training program. How to Proceed: 1. Decide on a skill or topic that you could teach a friend, family member, or classmate. Note: the topic or skill you choose is less important than the process you follow 2. Assess your friend, family member, or classmate’s current level of knowledge in your topic or skill 3. Design the training session and develop the required materials You will be graded on the following components: Section 1: Needs Analysis – Following the Process that is outlined in the text, you will do a Needs Analysis for your training project. Follow the steps in the text to identify the concern, outline why it’s important, consult stakeholders, and then collect information on the three levels of analysis as appropriate (organizational, task & person). You will use a questionnaire, focus groups or interviews to gather information and will include information in your written report on how you gathered your information and why you selected the collection method that you did. Deliverable: Your written report will identify the outcomes of the Needs-Analysis Process and you will prepare a brief analysis of your findings and indicate how this information impacts the necessity of a training program and what could impact the success or failure of your training project Section 2: Design – You will prepare training objectives for your training session. Be sure that your training objectives follow the guidelines discussed in class for writing training objectives. You will prepare a lesson plan for your training that clearly identifies what will be included in the introduction, body and conclusion of your training session. Think about what instructional method you will use, and be sure that the method you choose fits the skill or topic you are teaching. You may use any of the methods outlined in Chapter 5 or Chapter 6. Note: You will have to prepare deliverables, so if you choose a technologybased method, ensure that you have the capability to create your deliverable. You will also need to rationalize your design decisions. Deliverable: Your written report will include the training objectives, the lesson plan, and rationale for your decisions. Section 3: Development – You will develop the materials that you need for your training session. This includes the materials for the learners and the materials for the trainers. Note: if you think a technology-based method would be most appropriate for your skills, you can provide content maps and explanations if you do not have the software to actually develop them. This might include, but is certainly not limited to preparing: ● activity materials ● handouts ● notes ● quizzes ● activity instructions ● slidedeck ● answer keys ● videos ● webinars ● game ● LMS content map Prepare the materials so that any substitute trainer (with some content knowledge) could walk into the room with your plan and teach your class. Deliverable: Your written report will include a copy of each of the resources you have developed, as well as a brief statement of the rationale/intended use of each resource.