Explore various Insanity defenses
Explore various insanity defenses. This make takes some research and digging around, but look and see if you can discover any cases where an insanity defense was used. In the case that you find, what is your take on it? Is it justified? What were the circumstances? But, how far can it be taken? What other defense can you find to explain someone’s criminal behavior???
For example Ethan Couth- Claim: he was “coddled into irresponsibility by his wealthy parents” http://abcnews.go.com/US/affluenza-dui-case-happened-night-accident-left-people/story?id=34481444 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. How may these defenses impact the victims of a crime? For the innocent people killed by Ethan Couch and the secondary victims that are living with the pain, is being irresponsible a defense?