Islamic management principles
In Islamic management principles, every citizen has right to prosecute leader who deviated from Islamic guidance. Tl’F 19. Culture is the collective programming of the mind, which T I F distinguishes the members of one human group from another. 20. The public servant should be aware of the importance of T .I’ F values in public administration so that it can eliminate the “non—performing public sector & quote; issue. 21. The structure of Malaysian government is characterized by T .I’ F unitary system and Westminster model. 22. Reporting is not a generic management tool. T .r’ F 23. Luther Gullick emphasized on scientific management that T I F would lead to ‘one best way’ to carry out an operation. 24. Public organization belongs to the private ownership. T I F 25. The Twelve Pillars was introduced by Malaysian T .l F government to strengthen ethical values among the public servants.