The Major healthcare laws in place

Rules, Rules, Everywhere Not surprisingly, since the government is the creator of many of the major healthcare laws in place, it is an important source of information. Accessing the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (, you will find four major areas: About HHS, Programs and Services, Grants and Contracts, and Laws and Regulations. There is a section for current issues and links to commonly requested areas such as HIPAA, TANF, Head Start, etc. It is important that healthcare workers are able to access information from major federal organizations such as HHS.

Explore the HHS website( for important regulations.

Include each of the following points:

  • Access the Laws and Regulations box
  • Explore the different areas
  • Choose one area of interest and summarize the important points
  • How might the knowledge gained in the healthcare industry in the future.
  • Discuss how you intend to apply the knowledge you’ve gained in your career in the healthcare industry in the future.