Personality Theory Matrix Name of theorist(s)

Personality Theory Matrix Name of theorist(s):

Personality Theory Matrix
Name of theorist(s):
How does this theory explain personality?
What does the theory say about past experiences of the individual, including cultural considerations?
What are the assessments and/or interventions recommended from this theoretical perspective?
What are the strengths of this theoretical perspective?.
What are the limitations of this theoretical perspective?
What are the unique aspects of this theoretical perspective?
Name of theorist(s):
How does this theory explain personality?
What does the theory say about past experiences of the individual, including cultural considerations?
What are the assessments and/or interventions recommended from this theoretical perspective?
What are the strengths of this theoretical perspective?.
What are the limitations of this theoretical perspective?
What are the unique aspects of this theoretical perspective?


PsychoanalyticTraitNeo-PsychoanalyticBehavioralHumanistic and ExistentialBiological and EvolutionaryIntegrativeCognitive and Social-Cognitive


Complete the requested matrix information below for each of the 8 personality theory