Decisions involved in planning for effective recruitment

Recruiting  Describe the decisions involved in planning for effective recruitment, including sources (internal, external), types, and messages.
After putting a job analysis in place for all positions in an organization, we know what we are looking for in regards to the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities needed for a position when hiring. Given this information, you can discuss the method(s) for recruiting you would use. Discuss what method(s) you might use and the importance of the method(s) you have chosen. How would you use that method? Provide the rationale behind why that method is appropriate for your organization. In this section you would cite information related to what your recruiting method(s) are, and how they might be used. Your rationale may also be cited, but is likely that that is how the info is related to your company and thus would not be cited, as it is original work. You will also include an example of a position posting, as it may appear “on” or “in” the method you chose to recruit. This position posting is focused on one position in the organization, thus, this entire section can be focused on one position if you desire