Prewriting technique


Topic 1: Ocean Topic 2: Being a student. Prewrite on the selected topic using any prewriting technique(s). Write an outline based on your prewriting.

5. Write a well-developed paragraph (140-180 words) based on your outline using one of

the logical orders of text organization (see pp. 40-41).

6. Use minimum one citation (direct quote, paraphrase or summary) to support your

paragraph. It is advisable to use AUM Library Database to find reliable sources.

7. Add a reference at the end of the paragraph.

8. There is no answer sheet for this assignment. Create a new Word document that includes:

prewriting, outline, and your paragraph.

9. Submit your work as a file on your course Moodle page. The deadline is 04 July, 2022 at 23:59.


Grading the paragarph 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

APA Information from one

valid scholarly,

academic source is

introduced as direct

quotation, paraphrase or

summary; reliable

source is used. It is

properly cited and

referenced as per APA


Reference and in-text

citations are

available with a few

flaws (e.g. incomplete

or wrong format of

citations). Source is



In-text citation is poorly

done. Reference is not

provided. Source is non-


No in-text citation or

reference is available.



Topic sentence

introduces the main

idea. It consists of a

limited topic and a

controlling idea. It is

general enough and

specific enough.

Topic sentence

introduces the main

idea; it consists of a

topic (topic is not

limited) and a

controlling idea. It is too

general or too specific.

Either limited topic or

controlling idea is

missing in the topic

sentence. It is too

general or too specific;

it is a fact or a


Topic sentence is


Unity Paragraph focuses on

one idea; it is on topic

and shows clear

understanding of the

subject matter. Every

supporting sentence

The paragraph is on

topic and there is

understanding of the

topic. There is one or

two irrelevant sentences.

Paragraph has two ideas.

It is vaguely connected

to the topic. The

paragraph includes

many irrelevant


Paragraph has multiple

ideas; it is off topic.

There is no clear

understanding of the

subject matter.

Supporting sentence




(including in-text

citation) directly

explains or proves the

main idea. There are no

irrelevant sentences.

Citation is related to the

topic and well-


Concluding sentence

paraphrases the topic

sentence and / or

summarizes the


Citation is partially

related to the topic and


Concluding sentence is

partly linked to the topic

sentence and paragraph

summary (too general).

Citation is vaguely

related to the topic and

badly integrated.

Concluding sentence is

not linked to the topic

sentence nor does it

summarize the


does not relate to the

main idea.

Citation is unrelated and

badly integrated.

Concluding sentence is


Support Paragraph is well


3 major supporting

details are given.

1-3 minor supporting

details for each major

one are provided.

Supporting details are

specific and adequate.

Citation is adequate and



Paragraph is supported:

2 major supporting

details are given. There

are 1-2 minor

supporting details for

each major one.

Supporting details,

including in-text

citation, are general and

partially adequate.

Citation is positioned


Paragraph is partially


1 major supporting

detail with one or two

minor supporting

details. Supporting

details are too general

and inadequate. Citation

is not positioned well.

Paragraph is not well

supported. Main idea is

not developed or simply

paraphrased multiple

times. Random ideas are


Coherence Information flows

logically and ideas can

be followed easily.

There is a clear method

of organization

(chronological order,

logical division of ideas

or comparison /

contrast). Coherence is

enhanced through

repeated key nouns,

consistent pronouns and

transition signals; 3-5

transition words are

used appropriately.

Ideas are logically

expressed, but there are

digressions. One method

of organization is


A few ways of

enhancing text

coherence (key nouns,

pronouns, synonyms

and transitions

signals) are used.

2 transition signals are

used appropriately.

Ideas are not always

logical and digressions

are common. Method of

text organization is


Few ways of text

coherence are used.

1 transition signal is

used appropriately.

Ideas are not logical.

Method of text

organization is

missing. Ideas are

randomly presented.

There are no transition

signals nor other ways

of enhancing coherence.



The paragraph

demonstrates consistent

control of grammar,

word usage,

punctuation, sentence

construction and

spelling. Very few

errors found.

Occasional errors are

found. There are a few

problems with

capitalization and

punctuation. Some

sentences are

wordy. Words are not

always used accurately

and effectively.

Frequent errors are

found. Too vague or too

general vocabulary is

used. Words are

repetitive and confusing.

The paragraph contains

several mechanical

errors, which may

confuse the reader.

Sentence organization

impedes understanding.

The paragraph contains

either many mechanical

errors or a few

crucial errors that hinder

the understanding or

ability to see connections

between thoughts.


(10 pts)

Paragraph is original

(not copied)


10 – 8


Larger part of the

paragraph is original.


7 – 5

Two or three sentences

are original.


4 – 2

One or no sentences are



1 – 0



In case the paragraph is off topic, 20% of the grade is deducted.

In case an essay is written instead of the paragraph, 20% of the grade is deducted.