Similarities between public administration and public management in the Philippines
Write 3 Learning Objectives on this report. Public administration is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the resources and activities of a government organization or agency. Public management, on the other hand, refers to the application of management principles and practices to public organizations and agencies.
There are several similarities between public administration and public management in the Philippines. Both involve the management of resources and activities within a government organization or agency. Public administration focuses on the implementation of government policy, while public management focuses on the management of government resources and activities.
Both also require the use of management principles and practices. One similarity between public administration and public management in the Philippines is that both require the use of management principles and practices. This means that both fields focus on the efficient and effective use of resources in order to achieve organizational goals. Additionally, both public administration and public management in the Philippines place an emphasis on service delivery and accountability to the public.
Both disciplines are concerned with the efficient and effective use of resources. Both disciplines also emphasize the need for accountability and transparency in government.
However, there are also some key differences between public administration and public management in the Philippines. Public administration is focused on the government organization or agency as a whole, while public management is focused on the individual managers within the organization or agency. Public administration is also concerned with the implementation of government policy, while public management is concerned with the efficient and effective operation of the organization or agency.
In the Philippines, public administration is overseen by the Civil Service Commission, while public management is overseen by the Department of Interior and Local Government. In the Philippines, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) is the agency mandated to professionalize the Philippine bureaucracy. It is the central personnel agency of the Philippine government that prescribes rules and standards in the recruitment, selection, placement, promotion, and career development of all civilian government personnel, including the military and the police. The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) is the Philippine government’s primary agency tasked with the management of the country’s internal affairs. The department is responsible for ensuring the peace and order in the country, as well as the efficient delivery of public services.
Overall, the key difference between public administration and public management in the Philippines is the focus of each discipline. Public administration focuses on the government organization or agency as a whole, while public management focuses on the individual managers within the organization or agency.