Public Health Agency

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to identify stakeholders in collaboration and your knowledge of how to communicate with them most effectively.

Instructions: In Canadian adults 65 years and older, falls are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality.  According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, 20-30% of seniors experience a fall every year (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2014, p. III). You have been contracted to assist in developing a fall prevention program for adults over 65 years in the Kitchener Waterloo Region. Briefly describe the project or topic you would like to explore for your collaboration (examples include, but are not limited to, medication management, exercise, and risk reduction).  You must identify potential stakeholders to collaborate with you on this project. Using Gretchen Anderson’s “model for understanding different types of collaborators” (Anderson, 2019, Fig 2.1), identify the potential stakeholders, their level of contribution, possible communication channels, and what types of information would be necessary for that stakeholder.  Be sure you are selecting stakeholders that will help you develop or build the program rather than implementing or running the program.


1a) You will need to identify five stakeholders in total:

1b) Two examples of stakeholders that would be Close Collaborators/Core Team Members

1c) One example of each of the stakeholders that would represent a Highly Interested Stakeholder, Subject Matter Expert, and Onlooker.


2) Using a separate paragraph for each stakeholder:

2a) Identify the stakeholder

2b) Identify what Level of Contribution they will provide during the collaboration and explain why you selected that level.

2c) Explain what communication channel or method would be most effective for this stakeholder (examples include, but are not limited to, reports, email, and social media) and why you think this channel would be effective.

2d) For Highly Interested Stakeholders, Subject Matter Experts and Onlookers only describe what types of information would be shared with them in the communication.


Anderson, G., (2019) Mastering Collaboration [electronic resource] (1st edition.). O’Reilly Media, Inc.,

Public Health Agency of Canada (2014) Seniors’ falls in Canada: Second Report [PHAC Pub No.130592].