How to Respond to underperformance

As a Manager How to Respond to underperformance of at least two individuals (employees) and at least one team, please include a situation you have experienced in any workplace.
1- How to Develop performance improvement and development plans, eg:

– written contracts and agreements regarding improvement goals.

– documented plans for periodic reviews and assessments of progress.

– agreement on monitoring and follow-up processes including review timeframes.


2- Monitor underperforming individuals, eg:

– performance counselling.

– extend the training program.


3- How to, Respond to underperforming individuals, eg:

– time off—to rest, and reassess

– delegation of some tasks to others

– job restructuring

– transfer to another team, department or section.

– retraining for other positions.

– professional counselling.

– give the employee a written warning.

– initiate termination procedures in line with industrial legislation applicable.


About this unit

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage the performance of staff that are direct reports.

The unit applies to individuals who manage people. It covers work allocation and the methods to review performance, reward excellence and provide feedback.