The long-term risk of developing social anxiety
how does genetics and traumatic experience cause social phobia(give two reason respectively) 2)what is the four ways to overcome social phobia
How does genetics cause social anxiety?
Looking at the long-term risk of developing social anxiety, the risk is strongly influenced by genetic factors. This is probably because personality traits that predispose to the disorder, such as introversion and low emotional stability, are influenced by genetics.
How can trauma cause social anxiety?
A person with PTSD may have difficulties communicating or interacting with others for fear of coming into contact with trauma-related reminders. All of this may feed the development of SAD. In addition, many people with PTSD feel high levels of shame, guilt, and self-blame, and these feelings may lead to SAD.
What is the most common social phobia?
The most common form of social phobia is a fear of public speaking. In some cases, social phobias can cause people to avoid social situations including school and work, which can have a major impact on the individual’s well-being and ability to function.