Placement in a Rural health facility

You are on placement in a rural health facility with another student. You are both staying in the quarters building and have been on the same shifts for the week. You notice that your fellow student appears to be drinking alcohol quite heavily each night and getting back to the quarters very ate. At the start of a placement, you were asked if you wanted to have a drink with them, but you declined as you wanted to focus on your studies.

Last night they were posting pictures of themselves in uniform at the local pub intoxicated and posting this on their Instagram stories.

This morning it appears that they are attending the morning shift apparently still under the influence of alcohol. You decide to confront them as their behavior is putting patients at risk and also has an influence on your placement. They state that they have been struggling with the death of a close friend a month ago and that without the support of family they are struggling emotionally.

They don’t want you to tell anyone as they need to get through this placement as they cannot afford to repeat the placement or course and would have to withdraw from their degree.