What may be a SMART goal for the targeted group when developing an Annual Student Outcome Goal Plan? 

What may be a SMART goal for the targeted group when developing an Annual Student Outcome Goal Plan? 

Mount Eagle Case StudyMount Eagle Elementary School serves approximately 516 students in K-6 grades. 66% of student’s attending Mount Eagle are Hispanic, 17% are Black, 11% are White, and 6% are Asian.

74% of the students attending Mount Eagle are eligible to receive free or reduced lunch. 87.7 % of students at Mount Eagle have a disability and 56.4% of students are English Language Learners (ELL).

Last school year, 22.5% of students missed more than 10% of the school year due to chronic absenteeism. Reading and math scores for students in grades 3-6 are in the bottom 50%.Mount Eagle Elementary School has several community business partners that assist in providing support to the students and their families.

Through partnership with a local church, Mount Eagle offers an afterschool tutoring program free of charge.

Mount Eagle also has a full-time parent liaison to assist with translating for students and parents. Further, there are plethora of after-school activities available for students.

Through collaboration with administration, the school counseling team has been charged with increasing school attendance for students at Mount Eagle Elementary School.

Regular school attendance positively impacts academic achievement, student behavior, and overall success. As the school counselor at Mount Eagle, consider how you will contribute to improving school attendance.