Starting a small business in the service industry
Imagine that you are starting a small business in the service industry . After completing all the readings in Exploring Business you should have a better understanding of some fundamentals to starting a business Create a presentation on the small business you would like to own. The goal of the presentation could be to oncomage a partner to join your business or to request a loan from a bank or investor. Your presentation should include the following ! . what service business would you be interested in owning and why? . Create a goal slide that states what the goal of the presentation is." obtaining a partner or financing. . How would you go about researching the industry and what date would you collect ? consider the local industry and your competitors, state industry information and national statistics that putwin to your service braiseds . . what type of accounting approach wil you take a d why? List a specific accounting approch from the readings . Explain why you choose this approach . . Identify your potential assets and liabilities during the first year of operations . so specific with some items the business would need in onde to operate . Hois will ,ou price I senice ? what information would you see to decide the price! . flow will you finance the busines? Her much capital do you think you will need ? Reg . Create a PowerPoint: . Encourage a parties to join your . will entice younestors to provide