The constitutionality of the Texas criminal abortion laws

A pregnant single woman (Roe) brought a class action challenging the constitutionality of the Texas criminal abortion laws, which proscribe procuring or attempting an abortion except on medical advice for the purpose of saving the mother’s life… A three-judge District Court… declared the abortion statutes void as vague and overbroadly infringing those plaintiffs’ Ninth and Fourteenth Amendment rights” (U.S. Supreme Court, Roe et al. v. Wade, District Attorney, 1973). (This is the cases).

Mid-Term Writing Assignment Instructions:

This is a 1-2 page, double-spaced, typed essay.

From the list of cases in “Scenarios from Selected Supreme Court Cases,” pick one (1) Supreme Court case (see the attached document). You will examine one Supreme Court case from the standpoint of five of the key ideas you acquired in the course’s first half. These essential ideas are:

living in a country where people and property are always protected by the law
having a government that protects people and their property
Personal Freedom

Simply give the name of the case you will evaluate in place of an introduction. Then, in the order stated above, write five paragraphs, each one devoted to one of the ideas listed above.

Each sentence