Which of the following conditions at the atrioventricular node will cause a decrease in heart rate?

Which of the following conditions at the atrioventricular node will cause a decrease in heart rate?


  1. Increased calcium permeability
  2. Increased norepinephrine levels
  3. Decreased acetylcholine
  4. Increased sodium permeability
  5. Increased potassium permeability


Question 5


Parasympathetic (vagal) nerve stimulation can cause ____________.


  1. Increased transmission of impulses
  2. Increased heart rate
  3. Tachycardia
  4. Decreased heart rate


Question 9


From the AV bundle, the impulse goes into the ___________.


  1. Purkinje fibers
  2. Sinoatrial node
  3. Internodal pathway
  4. AV node


Question 11


The Q-T interval represents _______________________


  1. Ventricular relaxation
  2. Ventricular contraction
  3. Atrial flutter
  4. Atrial contraction







Question 18


The sympathetic nervous system/catecholamines, cause ____ in the resistance of the afferent arterioles and ______ in the resistance of the efferent arterioles resulting in ____ in the glomerular filtration rate during conditions such as severe hemorrhage


            Increase, increase, decreased

            Decrease, decrease, increase

            Decrease, increase, increase

Increase, increase, increase

Decrease, decrease, Decrease, 

Question 23


A 50-year-old man has been having fainting “spells” for about 2 weeks. During the fainting episodes, his electrocardiogram shows a ventricular beat of 25 per minute and 100 P waves per minute. After about 30 seconds of fainting, a normal sinus rhythm reoccurs. Which is likely diagnosis


  1. Third-degree atrioventricular block/ Stokes Adams Syndrome
  2. Atrial flutter
  3. Second-degree atrioventricular block


Question 25


Hypoxic conditions can result in ______.


  1. Atrial flutter
  2. Atrial fibrillation
  3. Cardiac arrest
  4. Ventricular fibrillation
  5. First-degree atrioventricular block


Question 30


The most important kidney functions include: (Select All that Apply)


  1. Excretion of metabolic
  2. Regulation of acid base balance
  3. Exertion of drugs and toxins
  4. Gluconeogenesis
  5. Triglyceride digestion


Question 31


Creatinine is a waste product of _______ metabolism while uric acid is a waste product from _______ metabolism


  1. Muscle, nucleic acid
  2. Protein, urea
  3. Protein, nucleic acid
  4. Protein, carbohydrate
  5. Muscle, protein


Question 33


Select the sequential pathway of the blood through the arteries of the kidney


  1. Interlobar-Renal artery – segmental artery – arcuate arteries – interlobular/cortico-radiate artery
  2. Renal artery – interlobar artery- arcuate arteries – segmental artery – interlobar artery
  3. Renal artery – segmental artery – interlobar artery – accurate arteries – 
  4. Renal artery – interlobar artery – segmental artery – accurate arteries – interlobular/cortico-radiate artery


Question 46


Autoregulation of glomerular filtration rate allows it to stay at a relatively constant level despite large fluctuation in arterial pressure.



  1. True
  2. False



Question 47


Hydrostatic pressure in the Bowman’s capsule can drastically increase by _________.



  1. Kidney stones
  2. Tubular necrosis
  3. Urinary tract obstruction
  4. Tubular obstruction






Question 49



Prerenal AKI results in more than —————  of all acute kidney failures.


  1. 40%
  2. 5%
  3. 30%
  4. 50%
  5. 20%