The basic premise of social cognitive theory
1. Basic Theory. Social Cognitive Theory shares 6 basic assumptions with some of the earlier personality theories. (a) Make a table that lists these 6 assumptions on the left.
(b) Then list for each assumption one earlier theory (or theorist) who also made this assumption.
(c) Come up with an example or (personal) story that illustrates and thus allows you to remember all 6 of the assumptions.
What are the assumptions of Social Cognitive Theory?
The basic premise of social cognitive theory is that a person’s behaviour is the result of three reciprocal factors. These are behaviour, personal characteristics and the environment. Behaviour is about the social world and the influence of other people’s behaviour on our own behaviour.
What are the main ideas of the Social Cognitive Theory of personality?
Social cognitive theory is based upon two key principles: (a) that the psychological person, the environment, and behavior reciprocally influence one another; and (b) that people are best understood in terms of conscious cognitive capabilities that enable them to symbolically represent events, to reflect upon …
What are the four components of personality structure in the Social Cognitive Theory?
In social cognitive theory (SCT; Bandura, 1982), behavior is held to be determined by four factors: goals, outcome expectancies, self-efficacy, and sociostructural variables.