The ethical principles of Autonomy and Beneficence and the idea of futile care
You have been assigned the case of a 98-year old woman who was recently admitted with a diagnosis of pneumonia. She has a history of cardiac disease and takes a number of medications. She had been fairly active until the past few days when her cough worsened and the fever developed. You note that her pulse has become weak and threat-like and that her resps are increasingly labored. The patient is now too weak to respond to you. When you mention to the family that you may need to call the physician and even take heroic life-saving measures. The PT’s son and daughter become distraught, saying that they do not want their mother to be kept alive on machines. They report that they have discussed the situation with their mother. You find that her wishes have not been documented in her chart. The family members have not discussed this situation with the pts family physician. What actions would you consider taking at this moment? Take into account the ethical principles of Autonomy and Beneficence and the idea of futile care. What are your personal values about interventions at the end of life?