The health risks associated with each household product
In this era, where there are several household products in the market. It is important for consumers to understand the health risks associated with each household product that they may use at home. Around the world, consumers are exposed to chemicals that they are unaware exist in their products of choice, even in situations where they are listed on the products. There are no warnings of potential hazards. The objectives of this assignment are :
1. Investigate 10 household products you use at home
2. Identify some possible toxicants contained in them and their uses.
3. Research the potential risk of prolonged exposure to them.
I need this assignment structured exactly as it is designed.
Household products identified: Lotions, creams, and soaps.
Possible toxicant- titanium dioxide
It is used widely to provide whiteness and opacity to products such as papers, inks, lotions, and foods. It is used as an antiseptic in cosmetics such as lotions, creams, and soaps.
Potential risk
High concentrations of pigment grade titanium dioxide dust can cause respiratory cancer in lab rats (International Agency for Cancer Research, 2006). This observation is relevant to people who work in titanium production industries and may be exposed to the dust (IACR, 2006).
Other examples of toxicants:
Methyl paraben found in shampoos, sunscreen, and even pet food.
Disodium EDTA found in wishbone Robusto salad dressing and other processed foods.
Nitrates found in some hot dogs and other processed foods.
Suggest what consumers need to do to reduce exposure to the toxicants in consumer products.
Post and respond to at least 2 other classmates.
Respond to these questions and at least two posts from your course mates. Initial post should be done by 11:55 PM (Eastern time) on Thursday and final posts by 11:55 PM (Eastern time) on Monday.
A response such as “I agree with you” ” great job on your post” “awesome job” does not provide any details/insights in discussion forums. If you agree with a post say exactly what you agree with and how that post has added to your knowledge. You can also provide more insight on a post by providing additional information.
Also, support all facts with the source(s).