The mission and vision statements of an organization are essential to the company’s strategy
Respond your thoughts on each discussion SEPERATELY
Discussion 1:
No matter if you are running a one-person operation or a large corporation, by simply having a company mission and vision statements help to provide you or your employees with a purpose. The mission and vision statements of an organization are essential to the company’s strategy because they are used to define future goals and operational tactics. While mission and vision are terms that are often interchanged, they actually refer to two separate aspects of the company. One of the key differences between a vision and mission statement is the timeline. Vision statements are forward-looking. They look decades into the future and envision what the company wants to create. On the other hand, a mission statement is about the present. It looks at the current state of the business, not the future. The vision describes the “why” of the business. It’s the reason the business exists. The mission, on the other hand, describes the “how” of the business. It is more tactical and procedural than inspirational.
Discussion 2:
An organization’s mission statement is very significant. The mission statement is what the company is about, and what values they stand for. Organizations are supposed to use the mission statement as the ultimate guideline for the organization. The organization should be making all of it’s decisions based off of the mission statement. If the organization starts to drift away from the mission statement, they either need to reassess the mission statement, or bring the company back in line with the current one. Some companies will reassess and change the mission statement to better fit their goals.