The theory of relativity

The theory of relativity was first introduced in 1905 by Albert Einstein, which is basically another form of gravity but on a much larger scale than Newtown’s discovery. “In 1919 British astronomers astonished the world by confirming Einstein’s prediction, based on his general theory of relativity, that the paths of starlight passing close to the sun during a total solar eclipse would appear to be bent as they passed the sun” (Cassidy 2011). “Overnight, Einstein became an international celebrity” (Cassidy 2011). “According to Einstein’s theory, the massive sun slightly curves the space around it, thus causing the beams of starlight to bend toward the sun as they pass near it on their way to Earth” (Cassidy 2011). I believe that Einstein’s theory resonated with the culture because it was the beginning of the 20th century, this changed everything for everyone and how they thought things worked.  What are your thoughts in this discussion?