The World of Communication
In Chapter 1 of your textbook, titled “The World of Communication,” Julia T. Wood writes that communication shapes our personal and professional lives, as well as our culture. Instructions: For this reflective assignment, answer the following questions:
• Why is it important to study communication?
• Explain the role of communication in your life, and the role communication will
have in your career.
• The assignment should be reflective of your personal thoughts and experiences
and do not require citations or incorporation of unit resources or materials.
• This assignment should be one double-spaced page and does not require APA
references or a cover page.
• Because this is a reflective assignment, your grade will be based on completion
rather than content quality.
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
COM107: Introduction to Communication
Unit 1 Assignment: Communication in Your Life
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Evaluation Rubric for Unit Assignment Reflections
CRITERIA Deficient Needs
Improvement Proficient
(0) (60-99 Points) (100 Points)
Completion of Reflection Assignment
Does not address the question prompts.
Addresses some of the question prompts.
Addresses all of the question prompts.