Different theories on intelligence presented in Chapter 3


Considering the different theories on intelligence presented in Chapter 3 (Psychometric View; Triarchic Theory; Multiple Intelligences Theory; Emotional Intelligence; General Intelligence),

1. how would you define “Intelligence”?
2. What components, skills and/or abilities are included?
3. Is there one type of intelligence or many?  Make sure to fully explain your definition and give examples or support to highlight your thoughts.  Please type your response in complete sentences, with proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.


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1:33 Back File Details Fall 2022 PSYC 349 03 41938 The Psychometric/Intelligence View Focuses on the importance of individual variation in intelligence Reliance on tests to measure specific abilities related to intelligence (knowledge, visual-spatial skills, logical & mathematical reasoning, processing speed, memory, etc) The Binet Tests (Stanford-Binet 5) The Wechsler Scales (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition; WISC IV) A brief history of intelligence testing The Binet Tests Mental age (MA): mental capability relative to others Intelligence Quotient (IQ): a person’s mental age divided by chronological age multiplied by 100. Mental Age I.Q. Chronological Age X 100 Now called the Stanford-Binet test and has been updated & revised several times Get one overall IQ score plus scores in the 5 Factors tested Five Factors Pre…ous … 3 0= Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox

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1:33 Back File Details Fall 2022 PSYC 349 03 41938 Five
Factors Factor Name Brief Definition Fluid Novel
problem-solving; understanding of Reasoning relat… Show more

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1:33 Back File Details Fall 2022 PSYC 349 03 41938
Intelligence Tests: The Wechsler Scales Originally designed to
test adults who have limited formal education and… Show more

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1:33 Back File Details Fall 2022 PSYC 349 03 41938
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory There are 3 main types of
intelligence – students perform better or worse in … Show more

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1:33 Back File Details Fall 2022 PSYC 349 03 41938 Naturalist
Intrapersonal Introspective “Nature Smart”
“Self Smart” Analytic Existential “… Show more

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1:33 < Back File Details ch Fall 2022 PSYC 349 03 41938
Intelligence – Heredity or Environment? .8 Definite genetic
influence on 0.6 intelligence 0.5 0.4 Similarity of in… Show more

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1:33 <Back File Details Fall 2022 PSYC 349 03 41938 Gene
variations cannot account for such fast increases, has to be
due to changing social environments Social Cogni… Show more

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1:33 Back File Details Fall 2022 PSYC 349 03 41938 Criticisms
of Intelligence Testing Biases in test questions, examples,
testing environments Ass