Application of Theory to Organizational Mission

Case Report: Application of Theory to Organizational Mission, Vision, and the Christian Worldviews. This project is about highlighting the stigma experienced by the mental health parents in the healthcare organization.

The paper explains the Christian worldview of the healthcare problem, the LOWA EBP model and nursing theory (Peplau’s Interpersonal relations). More discussion in the paper will be about how Peplau’s Interpersonal relations theory and the LOWA model relate to the mission and vision statement of the healthcare organization.

Finally, there is a discussion about integrating the highlighted aspects and the influence it has on reducing stigma in mental health. Next is the purpose of the project in detail.

Purpose of the Project

Stigma is a risk factor for patients seeking mental health treatment from healthcare organizations. The healthcare providers likely to showcase stigma toward the mental health patients affects the patient satisfaction in accessing care and also reduces the number of patients, especially the adolescents that seek psychiatric care from the primary setting in Arizona.

This quantitative quasi-experimental project aimed to determine if or to what degree the implementation of reducing mental health stigma would impact patient outcomes compared to current practice among health professionals in a primary care unit in Arizona over four weeks.

Christian Worldviews

The nine doctrines and synthesizing them result in the broad concepts of unity and equality. The sense of equal treatment is a Christian view on the aspect of unity among Christians through the spirit and the equality that we are all made in the image of God. 2 Corinthians 8:13-14 states,

“For I do not mean that others should be eased, and you burdened; but by an equality, that now at this time your plenty may supply their lack, that their enough also may supply your lack that there may be equality.”

The bible verse pushes for equality in the community and, in this case, healthcare, where all patients are treated with dignity and respect to achieve comprehensive care as stated in the healthcare organization’s mission and vision statement. (See Appendix A).

Organization’s Mission and Vision to Theory and Model

Organizations in the modern world are facing tremendous changes due to globalization and technological innovation.

In order to match client expectations, various industries, including the health care sector, must be aware of market variations. These changes are a part of a company’s overall transformation: structural, operational, strategic, and technological. Stakeholders’ requests must be met while the organization’s management maintains constant change, enhancing profitability and customer satisfaction (Trinity Integrated Medicine, 2022).

The changes and transformation in the healthcare organization have to be indicated in the mission and vision statement of the firm for the patients to understand how the healthcare organization handles patient treatment and care. A mission statement is a statement of purpose that emphasizes the immediate future. It focuses on the organization’s current capabilities. While a mission statement focuses on the present, a vision statement focuses on the future.

Even though you haven’t yet achieved the ambitious ambitions that inspired your vision, you have a long-term goal in mind. Under the philosophical ideas of your values statement, you will find the core of your statement. “Compassion,” “cultural awareness,” and “innovation” are common descriptors to include in this section. The project identifies the mission, vision, and values of the healthcare organization in Phoenix, Arizona (Trinity Integrated Medicine) and their connection to the nursing theory and evidence-based change model (Trinity Integrated Medicine, 2022).

Mission and Vision

The mission statement for Trinity Integrated medicine is “to deliver comprehensive outpatient medical services along with psychiatric care to patients in Phoenix, Arizona and surrounding areas.”

The following is the vision statement of Trinity Integrated medicine. We believe in a comprehensive approach to health care. At Trinity Integrated Medicine, we do this by delivering high quality, effective medical and psychiatric care from a single, convenient location” (Trinity Integrated Medicine, 2022). (See Appendix B and C for screenshots)

Connection of Mission and Vision to Nursing Theory.

The organization’s values and beliefs led to the acceptance of Trinity Integrated Medicine’s mission and vision statement in Phoenix, Arizona. When it comes to our staff, we believe that a holistic approach to health care is the only way to ensure that our patients’ physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being is maintained.

For the best patient outcomes, each treatment regimen is individually created for each patient based on their specific illness, resources, and cultural background. The mission and vision statement of Trinity Integrated Medicine has a strong connection with Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations. After the publication of Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations in 1952, interpersonal strategies dominated mental healthcare in 1968. Some components act as the theory’s foundation, including environment, person, health, and nursing actions.

A person is working to develop an organism that aims to minimize anxiety created by needs; the external forces of the environment, which are viewed as cultural contexts; health, that is a phrase signified which presumes forward motion forward into efficient and innovative human processes toward individual and societal living.

The components of the Peplau’s theory of Interpersonal relations include nursing, which can be described as a therapeutic interaction between a patient who is experiencing health issues and requires help and a health care provider who has appropriate knowledge and access to resources that can help the patient in achieving this objective (Morrow, 2017).

Trinity Integrated Medicine’s mission is to offer comprehensive care that ensures that the patients receive quality care by adhering to their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The mission statement is well incorporated into the theory through the nursing component, where the nurses are considered the important service providers who communicate with the patients and offer them the best patient-centered care. A nurse is expected to communicate effectively to the patient and make sure that they understand the cultural and religious background that would facilitate considering their demands regarding caring services.

In the specific case of mental health, nurses are expected to showcase the best interpersonal communication skills that show compassion and respect for the patient’s dignity. The successful connection between the interpersonal theory of nursing and the mission of offering comprehensive care helps significantly eliminate the issues of stigma by the providers toward mental health patients.

The patients are likely to seek the care services they need from the healthcare facility in Phoenix, knowing that the nurses and doctors value their dignity and respect their culture and religion in delivering quality services (Morrow, 2017). Health care is on an equal footing with other social processes; as such, nursing must take these factors into account to improve patient outcomes

There is also a strong connection between the nursing component of the interpersonal theory and the vision of the Trinity Integrated Medicine, and this is evident in the fact that the facility is looking forward to offering effective, quality, and customized care to patients expecting a better outcome (Cullen et al., 2017).

Investment of technology in nursing in the facility in attending to mental health patients improves the quality of service, and the training of nurses about the best interpersonal treatment results in an improvement in the future concerning the mental health patients that seeks care from the facility.

Persons are another component of the interpersonal theory. Presumably, Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations is based on the interaction between a nurse and a patient (Morrow, 2017). An effective must have a specific set of skills and abilities, such as recognizing patients’ health issues, applying the appropriate knowledge and techniques to address them, and demonstrating that you have the interpersonal skills necessary to build a trusting relationship with your patients.

Nursing values and devotion must also be aligned with a patient’s well-being. Anyone who requires medical attention and is entitled to basic human rights such as privacy, confidentiality, and respect is considered a patient. Based on Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations, health is another component that illustrates moving towards the best state of being productive and quality of life (Cullen et al., 2017).

The mission and vision consider the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of the mental health patients in the Trinity Integrated Medicine, and the intervention assures the patient better health after receiving the treatment. Recover in healthcare is attributed to how nurses communicate and relate with the patients, their cultural understanding and adherence to care, and the opportunity to practice spirituality through prayer before receiving any treatment or medication.

Finally, we have the environment component that expresses the therapeutic environment and a well-ventilated environment that improves the quality of health of the mental health patient that feels that they are cared for, and there is limited stigmatization. The healthcare facility looks forward to ensuring comprehensive care that encourages family support in treatment.

Connection of Mission and Vision to Evidence-based Change Model.

To protect patient safety and promote high-quality care healthcare organizations like the Trinity Integrated Medicine in Phoenix, Arizona, have to form evidence-based practice (EBP) committees that play an important role in ensuring quality care is offered to patients (Cullen et al., 2017).

Committees tasked with putting EBP into action need strong leadership and clear lines of communication. The Iowa Model of EBP provides a framework for healthcare organizations and allows nurses to expand their EBP practice, especially in mental health care, by minimizing stigmatization and focusing on quality care (Gray & Grove, 2020). In its mission and vision statements, the Trinity Integrated Medicine showcase the firm’s direction toward offering quality patient care.

In addition, the mission and vision statement talks about comprehensive care that incorporates the spiritual, physical, and emotional intervention in accessing mental health to the patients.

Furthermore, the mission and vision statement of the Trinity Integrated Medicine is implemented after applying the values of empathy, integrity, compassion, and sense of humanity in attending to mental health patients without stigmatizing them instead of improving their quality of care.

The healthcare organization is looking forward to offering quality and effective, comprehensive care to the patients, and this is only achievable when evidence-based practice is adopted for success (Cullen et al., 2017). There is the consideration of offering customized care where the unique conditions of the patient’s case, resources, and culture lead to the best intervention. The success of a comprehensive and customized intervention to patient care in the healthcare organization connects with the EBP under the LOWA model, where evidence has to be collected to determine the unique intervention to be offered (Doody & Doody, 2011).

There are specific mental health conditions that different patients experience as they are visiting the healthcare organization, which connects the vision and mission statement to the EBP model. The Trinity Integrated Medicine values research, which is why the facility is considering the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of treatment and recovery under the vision and mission that research proves to be improving the rate of recovery and quality of life.

Applying Trinity Integrated Medicine Nursing’s evidence-based practice approach is the best option for addressing the challenge of stigmatization but instead handling mental health as other diseases through research and understanding better. A detailed understanding of mental health diseases through adopting the EBP is achievable as directed by the mission and vision where the healthcare organization looks forward to successful comprehensive care.

Trinity Integrated Medicine is an organization that represents a shared vision, mission, and sincere partnership that links nursing services with education activities. The connection with education activities prepares the nurses and the other healthcare providers to get a deeper understanding of the mental illnesses where they start appreciating that mental health is just a condition like any other and should not try stigmatizing the patients but instead offer a quality, comprehensive intervention.

Trinity Integrated Medicine targets partnering with other institutions, including nursing schools and other institutions, to raise awareness concerning the mental health stigma developed against patients who find it difficult to open up for therapy sessions.

Advocating for patient-quality mental health intervention and stopping the stigma against mental health patients is best for the Trinity Integrative Medicine organization by changing the organization’s culture to fit the needs and emotional well-being of the patient through evidence-based intervention. Implementing interventions is essential to being an effective nurse in the field. To help improve an intervention, a nurse might provide feedback on how it is doing.

Being a part of a governing body that works together is essential. Our patients’ outcomes can be improved by changing their treatment plans through the LOWA model (Doody & Doody, 2011). Greater levels of empowerment, which are frequently translated into shared governance, are connected to direct care nurses addressing pertinent clinical and operational issues and adopting systematic ways. Nurses’ experiences could act as a roadblock to better practice implementation. Inexperienced nurses may find that their suggestions are not considered.

Nurses have a difficult time persuading doctors to pay attention to their advice. There is a need to introduce the LOWA model and connect it with the vision and mission of Trinity Integrated Medicine to offer comprehensive care.

Pulling it Together

This quantitative quasi-experimental project aimed to determine if or to what degree the implementation of reducing mental health stigma would impact patient outcomes compared to current practice among health professionals in a primary care unit in Arizona over four weeks. The purpose of the project is to connect with the Christian worldview so that stigmatization should be avoided by the nurses, healthcare providers and the community and treat patients equally with other patients with different illnesses apart from mental health.

Furthermore, the Christian worldview on equality also connects well with Peplau’s interpersonal relations theory, which expresses the importance of nurse and patient relationship and communication that becomes successful only when they feel equal. The alignment example is that nurses have their religion and preference on their culture, and they should apply it also on the mental health patients to build a good relationships and best care.

Moreover, the evidence-based care where the LOWA model is discussed brings about looking for evidence to support intervention, and this is related to the Christian worldview concerning equity in offering care to mental health patients where research is applied for diseases like cancer and to ensure that healthcare providers understand it better to minimize stigma (Gray & Grove, 2020).

An example is the healthcare organization allocating limited resources to the psychiatric department and investing more in oncology, showing that mental health patients will suffer because of a lack of equality in treatment access. I have learned about GCU’s CWV’s application DPI project, especially in driving the attributes of unity, equality and dignity that are present and the love of God in protecting the patients.

I am aligned with the Christian worldview, especially in understanding that we are all equal before God and that mental health patients need well treatment with the integrity and dignity they deserve. An example is a nurse failing to follow the privacy and confidentiality of patient information during therapy. Another example is healthcare management’s stigma towards the psychiatric department, where it is allocated limited funding and less human resource.














The purpose of the research is to reduce the mental health stigma in the healthcare organization by adhering to the organization’s stated vision and mission statements. Application of the interpersonal relations theory that ensures that nurses are in a good relationship and communicate effectively with the patients helps reduce stigma in the healthcare organization.

Trinity Integrated Medicine’s adoption of the LOWA EBP model is an important initiative that considers research in mental health important in educating and raising awareness about mental health care (Gray & Grove, 2020).

The Christianity worldview is relevant in the model and theory in promoting unity and equality in offering the intervention to patient care to avoid putting minimal effort into mental health intervention.

The connection of the concepts makes it possible to eliminate the stigma that mental health patients experience from their providers and more resources directed to the healthcare sector.




Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., DeBerg, J., Tucker, S., & Klieber, C. (2017). Evidence-based practice in action (1st ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International.

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Doody, C. M., & Doody, O. (2011). Introducing evidence into nursing practice: Using the IOWA model. British Journal of Nursing, 20(11), 661-664. 10.12968/bjon.2011.20.11.661

Gray, J. R., & Grove, S. K. (2020). Burns and grove’s the practice of nursing research – E-book: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence. Elsevier.

Morrow, M. R. (2017). A book review of nursing theories and nursing practice (4th ed.), by Marlaine C. smith and Marilyn E. parker (2015). Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis. SAGE Publications. 10.1177/0894318417693311

Snowden, A., Donnell, A. & Duffy, T. (2014). Pioneering theories in nursing.

Trinity Integrated Medicine. (2022). Primary Care Doctor | Trinity Integrated Medicine | Phoenix, AZ. Trinity Integrated Medicine. Retrieved 26 June 2022, from



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Appendix A


We believe in the bible in the old and new Testament (which contains the true and authoritative word of God)God’s biblical teachings are for all Christians.
Believe that there is one God.Expresses unity under a common Supreme Being.
God suffered by shedding blood for us to be savedEqual love of God to mankind
We are created in the Image of GodEquality
The salvation of the lost people back to ChristianityGod of second chances, loving and caring (compassion)
Spiritual unityUnity




Appendix B

Mission Statement





Appendix C

Vision Statement