The Case for Screening and Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders

De Jong and Berg review strategies for working with mandated clients. Assume for this role play that you are placed in an addiction treatment program.
From the techniques De Jong and Berg identify, discuss how you would approach an intake interview with a 26-year-old woman who has been court-ordered to see you following an arrest for DUI. This is her first arrest. From your intake, you realize that this client has both a depression diagnosis and is using alcohol heavily. You develop a treatment plan with her to attend a day treatment program at your facility.
One of the services you would like to recommend is a mutual aid group, but you realize that there is no such group at the agency.Your supervisor gives you permission to develop this group. The Case for Screening and Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders
Many adults have a mental illness and a substance use disorder (co-occurring disorder). Integrated care is recommended.
What factors would go into planning for this mutual aid group to meet the recovery needs of dually diagnosed women in this same program as your client? Consider the optimal size of the group, open or closed membership, length of the group, frequency of sessions, etc. What are some of the issues that might emerge for this group? Are there any client factors that might
lead you to screen a client out of such a group?