Way of handling promotions or dismissals

1. During the selection process, how do you maintain fairness and inclusivity? Do you use a structured interview method to make sure each applicant is asked the same questions? Do you use employment tests? If so, how do you make sure these are reliable and valid?
2. Do you have a set way of handling promotions or dismissals to make sure that they are not discriminatory? Do you conduct exit interviews to ease employees’ concerns about fairness when being dismissed?
3. If an employee has a concern about workplace discrimination, where can they go to discuss their concerns? Is there a process to deal with the issue?

1. Have you ever had a situation where a coworker failed to accept another person’s diversity? If so, what actions did you take?

2. In recent years, the LGBT community has become more visible and created some workplace issues that did not exist in the past, such as restroom usage. Has your organization been able to solve some of these issues in a way that makes them feel included and valued? If so, could you provide an example?

3. What has your company done to shatter the glass ceiling?

4. What changes would you make in the workplace to eliminate bias and create diversity and inclusion?