What place should astrology have in our modern society?

What place should astrology have in our modern society? Consider the following list of possible opinions a person might hold in response to the discussion prompt: In your written discussion response, choose three of the following opinions and provide at least one argument in favor of each of those three opinions.

  1. Total Ban: Astrology should be completely banned from all facets of our modern society, both public and private.
  2. Private Only: Astrology should only be practiced or discussed in private settings—it should be removed from all public platforms (including social media, radio, TV, online news sites, newspapers, and magazines).
  3. Just for Fun: Astrology should only be removed from public platforms whose primary purpose is to inform, not entertain (for example, removed from newspapers and news sites, but memes about astrology are still allowed).
  4. Come With a Warning: Astrology should not be removed from any online space (regardless of whether the primary purpose is to inform or entertain), but in all cases, mentions of astrology should be accompanied by an auto-generated warning that astrology is not scientifically valid.
  5. Actively Promoted: Astrology should be actively used and promoted by the government, schools, and other public institutions.
  6. Nothing: Astrology should not be regulated or actively promoted in any way (basically how it is now)response must include a list of all resources you use (this doesn’t have to be anything fancy; it can be a simple bullet list of website URLs). If you use any of the suggested resources given below, include those URLs in your list of resources. If you use a direct quote from any online resource, put the quoted text in quotation marks. No more than about 25% of your Discussion Response should be quoted text.


Responses must be written in coherent English with minimal grammatical errors or typos.

In general, your response should be written in the first person (I, me, my statements), and you can put a subheading for each of the three opinions you chose, followed by your argument(s) in favor of that opinion. That said, if you absolutely love writing and want to put a fun spin on your response, you may do so