Bad attendance record
Normal A No Spacing Heading 1 Title Paragraph Styles Facts #2 Mo has a very bad attendance record. Most weeks he only works 4 days out of 5. Last year he missed a total of 48 days of work on 36 different occasions (sometimes he missed more than 1 day at a time). Usually Mo claims that he was not feeling well and was sick. Sometimes he brings a doctor’s note. Mo’s record in previous years was much better. He has received numerous verbal warnings for his absences. This year the employer has issued Mo 3 written warnings. The last warning stated that on his next absence he would either have to bring a doctor’s note or be subject to more serious penalty which may include termination. Yesterday Mo called in sick and when he returned today he brought a doctor’s note saying "off work due to illness". Today Mo has been called to a meeting with management and asked to bring his shop steward (that’s you). The company fires Mo citing his ongoing inability to attend work regularly. The next day Mo gets referred to a specialist doctor who diagnoses "chronic fatigue syndrome". 1. You are the shop steward. Draft the grievance with reference to your assigned collective agreement (if applicable). Make assumptions about the facts as you deem necessary but state those assumptions explicitly in the grievance. Write the Grievance Here: