Experience a culture different from your own
Attend one event that relates to a cultural, ethnic, value, or identity issue different from your own. You should spend at least 1 hour engaged in the activity/event. You are encouraged to attend an event with a group about which you have the MOST preconceived ideas, and the primary purpose of this assignment is to experience a culture different from your own. Past experiences may not be used for this assignment. , attending a religious service or spiritual celebration, attending a funeral of another religion, attending an event where another language is spoken, attending a meeting/workshop for a multicultural organization, attending an event focusing on gay/lesbian/transgender issues or participation in any other activity that may be related to a cultural, ethnic, value, or identity issue different from your own experiences. Instructions: After attending the event, write a 5 page reflection and address the following: 1. What group was selected and why did you select this particular group? 2. Prior to the event, what were your preconceived ideas about this group? Which of those preconceived ideas are now open to re-interpretation and why? 3. A description of the activity (name of the event, where and when it occurred, activities that occurred, length of time spent at the event) and your interaction with the other participants. 4. Your emotional reaction to the event. For example, did you feel uncomfortable? Were you included or excluded? If you felt included, what made you feel comfortable and included? If you felt excluded, what could have been done to make you feel included? 5. What have you learned about yourself and the group you selected now that the immersion is over? What will you do now to be ready to work with this future client?