An introductory paragraph describing the situation, activity, individuals, age group, skill or ability leve

An introductory paragraph describing the situation, activity, individuals, age group, skill or ability level, and any other circumstances pertinent to the situation for which you are designing your program or intervention.

A complete description of your program or intervention. How will it work?

If it is designed to take place in stages, what are these stages? How often should each stage be used? How will you know if your program or intervention has been effective?

Any forms, overheads, visual aids, or other materials you would use to implement your program or intervention (e.g., if you’re doing a goal-setting intervention for high school basketball players, develop the actual form you would use for recording goals). The key to this part of the assignment is to be creative and specific!

Discussion of the limitations of your program or intervention: How might you need to modify it for another sport or a different group? With what type of person, team, or situation would this intervention work best? Why?