The broader issue of reparations is a “hot-button” issue in the field of ethics.
The broader issue of reparations is a “hot-button” issue in the field of ethics.
The issue is broader than a redress of slavery.
Such issues as German reparations for issues relating to the Holocaust, U.S. reparations regarding the Japanese internment camps, British reparations regarding the slave trade, and “looting” during riots (or protests) are examples of the broader issue.
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he time for blowing son ment Accountability Project predicable phenomenon."32 Reparation The duty of reparation is also based on past actions. Reparation requires that we make up for past harms that we have caused others.
These harms may have been direct or indirect, individual or collective, intentional or unintentional. Repara- tion requires acknowledging our wrongdoing and taking action to compensate the person we have harmed.
Unlike retribution, which requires punishment for past wrongdoing, reparation serves to reestablish balance between people by hav- ing the wrongdoer make some sort of restitution to the harmed party.
Automobile insurance companies, for example, act as our agents in making reparation to other people we have harmed by our careless driving.
Some judges sentence minor offenders to do community service as a way of repaying the community for the harm they have caused to the people of the community.
The extent of reparation owed depends on the magnitude of the harm and the degree of our willing participation in bringing about the harm.
For a small harm, a simple apology will generally suffice. Greater harms, such as causing someone grave bodily or mental injury or centuries of oppression visited upon a certain class of people, demand more extensive restitution.
Almost fifty years onnections following the incarceration during World War II of 120,000 people of Japanese ow does ancestry living in the United States, Congress passed the Civil Liberties Act of altural 1988, better known as the Japanese American Redress Bill.
The bill acknowl lativism edged that "a grave injustice was done" and mandated that Congress pay each ntribute to ur tendency victim of internment $20,000 in reparations marginal- In 2009 the U.S. Senate passed a resolution apologizing for slavery and e certain racial discrimination.
However, the resolution contained a disclaimer stating roups of that it says nothing about supporting or authorizing reparation. Some see the eople? See resolution as a first step in working to get reparation for African Americans Chapter 6, ages adversely affected by slavery and discrimination.
Others, however, criticize it as 79-180. being grossly inadequate, like apologizing for murder. Gratitude Gratitude is the third duty that is based on past actions.
Our sense of gratitude is evoked when we receive gifts or unearned favors and services from others Like reparation, gratitude is linked to the duty of justice.
The demand for fair exchange or expressing gratitude for favors done is one of the first ways a child learns the duty of justice. Gratitude is morally admirable in logists and sociologists ologist Georg